As it appeared in the Westside Bulletin, February, 2017.

Greetings from the Graham Academy! Since returning from winter break in early January, we have been speeding towards spring with plenty of academics and activities and more on the way. Recently, Jill Price, the Adventure Education Coordinator from Wilkes University spent the day with our students in physical education classes. She taught the students different games which taught team building and socialization skills.
Every so often, as part of the Family & Consumer Science curriculum, high school students prepare a meal for the younger students. The experience is designed to teach employable restaurant skills which includes cooking, taking food orders, serving, and clean up. For the younger students, it is an opportunity to practice appropriate manners when eating in a group setting. Most recently, the high school students made soup with ingredients from the Graham Garden and grilled cheese – the perfect lunch for a cold wintery day!
Over the past couple weeks, the classes have been exploring the animal kingdom and habitats. In Ms. Vanessa’s room, they transformed their classroom into an underwater adventure. Ms. Briana’s class created animal crafts as a fun complement to their lessons.